Occupational Health and Safety Committee 2024/2025

The Occupational Health and Safety Committee of the Association consists of the Association representatives to the Douglas College Joint Occupational Health and Safety Committees at each campus. These representatives are appointed by Executive Council and serve for two-year terms, with a limit of two consecutive two-year terms and no overall limit on the number of non-consecutive terms. The Health and Safety Committee members will elect from among themselves, one member to attend Contract Committee meetings to report and to receive feedback, and one member to represent the DCFA at the FPSE WHSEC Committee.

New Westminster Campus

Julian Brooksbrooksj@douglascollege.ca
Carrie Keenkeenc@douglascollege.ca

Coquitlam Campus

Shirin Marzaramarzaras@douglascollege.ca
Pamela Piddockepiddockep@douglascollege.ca
Alt: Tristan Sandhusandhut16@douglascollege.ca

Anvil Centre (NW)

Charles Dickensdickensc@douglascollege.ca
Ralph Ferensrferens@douglascollege.ca
Alt: Antara Sensena2@douglascollege.ca


Jennifer Kuenzigkuenzigj@douglascollege.ca
Mythra Lagueuxlagueuxm@douglascollege.ca