DCFA Update 1

DCFA Update aims to engage and inform DCFA members with updates, information, and direction on topics related to DCFA membership at Douglas College.

Updates – August 17, 2022

Item 1 – IMPORTANT – BCGEU Strike Notification
Item 2 – DCFA Member Questions

1. IMPORTANT – BCGEU Strike Notification

You may have heard news that the BCGEU has issued a strike notice to the province. The bargaining unit to which staff belong at Douglas College is not covered by the strike notice. We do not anticipate that any present BCGEU strike actions will affect faculty members. Nonetheless, the DCFA stresses that our members have the right not to cross picket lines, as guaranteed in Article 2.07 of the Collective Agreement. If you have any questions, contact a steward.

Ryan Cousineau, Chair of the Bargaining Committee for the BCGEU bargaining unit at Douglas College, issued this communication on Monday, August 15, 2022:

We’re not on strike, but we support our sisters and brothers

You may have heard the news that “the BCGEU” has given strike notice, and wondered how that affected us?

First, we’re not on strike. It’s the employees of “direct government”, meaning mainly staff employed directly by a provincial ministry, that are in the affected bargaining unit.

Right now Douglas College is still preparing for our turn at the bargaining table, which will come soon (I would expect we will meet the employers in September or October).

We are watching the result of the direct government dispute keenly, as that table usually sets a template for deals like ours. Their core issue is the same as ours: fair wage increases that keep up with the sharp jump in the cost of living we have seen in the last year. This Cost Of Living Adjustment is often abbreviated as “COLA”, so look for that phrase to feature prominently in this round.

You may see picket lines in your daily life. Targeted strikes have been announced, beginning today with wholesale liquor distribution centres, as you can see in this media release:

BCGEU begins job action – BC General Employees’ Union (BCGEU)

I urge you, as union members, to respect any picket lines you see, and DO NOT CROSS THEM. This is what solidarity means, and this is what we expect of our fellow union members, if we should be the ones who have to picket.

2. DCFA Member Questions

 Callout to all DCFA Members

If you have any general questions relating to DCFA membership at Douglas College, or you have topic suggestions for future DCFA Update editions, please submit such information below. To protect the privacy of all submitters, anonymity will be maintained. Please note that if you have any specific questions that you require response to, you will need to provide an email address.  Feedback link.

Updates – July 4, 2022

Item 1 – INFORMATION: Labour News – Inflation, rising cost of living prompts 95% strike vote by BCGEU members
Item 2 – INFORMATION: DCFA Member Questions
Item 3 – DCFA Member Questions

1. INFORMATION: Labour News – Inflation, rising cost of living prompts 95% strike vote by BCGEU members

“Members of one of the largest unions in B.C. have voted overwhelmingly in favour of striking, citing skyrocketing inflation and the need for cost of living-based wage protection.

Close to 95 per cent of B.C. General Employees’ Union (BCGEU) members employed in the public service industry, including correctional officers, administrative staff and government employees, voted between May 16 and June 22. The results were released Wednesday.

“It was the largest vote that our union has ever held of its kind,” said Stephanie Smith, BCGEU president and chair of its bargaining committee, “and we couldn’t be more thrilled with the outcome.”

She said after nine weeks of negotiation, the union went back to their members for a vote when the province tabled wages that did not address their concerns for inflation protection and the rising cost of living.

BCGEU representatives will meet with provincial negotiators on Monday. The strike vote gives the union the mandate to strike if wage demands are not met.”

SOURCE: https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/bcgeu-strike-vote-1.6499549

2. REMINDER: DCFA Member Questions

The DCFA wishes to thank members for their solidarity and for regularly providing feedback via the member feedback/question function. Please note that occasionally the DCFA receives requests for very specific information. In such cases, members will need to provide an email address that can be used to send the response to.

3. DCFA Member Questions

 Callout to all DCFA Members

If you have any general questions relating to DCFA membership at Douglas College, or you have topic suggestions for future DCFA Update editions, please submit such information below. To protect the privacy of all submitters, anonymity will be maintained. Please note that if you have any specific questions that you require response to, you will need to provide an email address.  Feedback link.

Updates – June 21, 2022

Item 1 – INFORMATION: DCFA President Assuming FPSE VP1 Duties
Item 2 – INFORMATION: Supplementary PD Fund Applications
Item 3 – DCFA Member Questions

1. INFORMATION: DCFA President Assuming FPSE VP1 Incremental Duties

For any faculty members who have been wondering about the impact on the DCFA office of our DCFA President assuming duties as FPSE Vice-President 1, the DCFA wishes to assure all members that there will be zero change to DCFA services, and zero impact on DCFA finances.

The VP1 role is funded by FPSE. As such, the DCFA will use 50% of the DCFA President time release funds to bring a faculty temporarily onto the DCFA team to backfill some of the duties that are currently performed by the DCFA President. Jasmine, our DCFA President, will spend part of her time doing the work of FPSE but will prioritize DCFA tasks and events such as Executive Council Meetings, LMRC, and any sensitive issues. She will defer her FPSE responsibilities until DCFA matters which require her attention have been fulfilled.  Rosilyn Teng, will join the team, as the Temporary Member-at-Large, where she will be working to implement this plan. We look forward to working with Rosilyn for the next year.

2. REMINDER: Supplementary PD Fund Applications

The DCFA wishes to remind faculty regarding available Supplemental PD Funds. Per the arbitration resolution, the following criteria apply:

  1. Conference attendance is covered under the Supplemental PD fund. Faculty are not required to ‘present’ at the conference to be eligible for reimbursement. The Settlement states that “activities must have a direct and tangible benefit to students”. Since conference attendance is one of the main ways that faculty stay current in their field, and improve their pedagogy, critical thinking, teaching etc. it is clear that conferences have a “direct and tangible benefit to students”.
  2. Professional Membership Dues are not covered under the Supplemental PD fund.

3. DCFA Member Questions

If you have any questions relating to DCFA membership at Douglas College, or you have topic suggestions for future DCFA Update editions, please submit such information below. To protect the privacy of all submitters, anonymity will be maintained.  Feedback link.

Updates – June 6, 2022

Item 1 – INFORMATION:  General Meeting – Special Resolution
Item 2 – INFORMATION: Mask Wearing on Campus
Item 3 – INFORMATION: June is National Indigenous History Month
Item 4 – INFORMATION: DCFA Office Move
Item 5 – DCFA Member Questions

1. INFORMATION: General Meeting – Special Resolution

Reminder that the ‘General Meeting – Special Resolution’ will take place on Friday, June 10th @ 3:30pm via Zoom:


This will be a very short meeting – There is only one item!!! 😊

2. INFORMATION: Mask Wearing on Campus

At the May 2022 DCFA Annual General Meeting, membership passed the motion below regarding mask wearing on campus. The DCFA Table Officers presented the motion to the employer at the May LMRC (Labor Management Relations Committee) meeting. The employer responded that they follow PHO (Provincial Health Officer) guidelines.

“The DCFA General Membership approve that the DCFA ask Douglas College (via LMRC) to upgrade their Covid Protections to “mask required” in all indoor settings, to help slow the transmission of Covid in BC for the health and safety of all faculty, staff and students and to help support the human rights of marginalized individuals with a mask mandate, the simple act of wearing masks, in indoor public spaces.”

3. INFORMATION: June is National Indigenous History Month

June is National Indigenous History Month. During this month, take time to recognize the rich history, heritage, resilience and diversity of First Nations, Inuit and Métis Peoples across Canada. Educational resources are available at https://www.rcaanc-cirnac.gc.ca/eng/1466616436543/1534874922512 


The employer has informed the DCFA that we will need to vacate the current New Westminster office this summer. They have not told us yet when this will occur, or where we will go. We will keep you posted.

5. DCFA Member Questions

 Callout to all DCFA Members

If you have any questions relating to DCFA membership at Douglas College, or you have topic suggestions for future DCFA Update editions, please submit such information below. To protect the privacy of all submitters, anonymity will be maintained.  Feedback link.

Updates – May 25, 2022

Item 1 – FPSE AGM: Jasmine Nicholsfigueiredo Elected to FPSE Vice President 1
Item 2 – FPSE AGM: Convention Highlights
Item 3 – Douglas College Board of Governors Meeting – Thursday, May 26th @ 5pm
Item 4 – DCFA Member Questions

1. FPSE AGM: Jasmine Nicholsfigueiredo Elected to FPSE Vice President 1

Congratulations to our DCFA President, Jasmine Nicholsfigueiredo, for being elected to the FPSE VP 1 position. Jasmine has worked on numerous FPSE committees and will continue to support the FPSE Executive.

As a result the DCFA will be electing a ‘Temporary – Member at Large Position’ per Article 5.10. This ‘Temporary – Member at Large’ will not be a member of Executive Council. This temporary position will not impact the DCFA budget. Expect a call for nominations within the next few days from the Elections Committee.

2. FPSE AGM: Convention Highlights

Highlights from the 2022 FPSE AGM include:

  • The DCFA delegation attended the FPSE AGM Convention from Monday, May 16 to Thursday, May 19th. The delegation consisted of: Shamsa Jessa, Sam Schechter, Jeffrey Smith, Dorritta Fong, Rosilyn Coulson, Ivana Cikes, Devin Shaw, Jennifer Kirkey, Melanie Young, Jasmine Nicholsfigueiredo, Ralph Ferens, Morna Fraser. Additionally, June Maddison attended as an Observer.
  • Election results – Brent Calvert was re-elected as FPSE President. Sean Parkinson was re-elected as FPSE Secretary-Treasurer, Chris Jaeger (Vancouver Island University) was re-elected as Vice-President 2, Sharon Mansiere (Okanagan College) was re-elected as Member at Large, and Tara Lyster (Thompson Rivers University) was elected as Member at Large, and as previously stated, Jasmine Nicholsfigueiredo was elected Vice-President 1.
  • The delegates approved a more transparent FPSE budget.
  • Policy revisions were approved to modernize FPSE operations. Additional revisions will be brought to FPSE in the coming year.
  • A FPSE Special General Meeting will occur in the month of June to complete unfinished FPSE AGM business. A tentative date of June 27th has been set.

Please contact the DCFA if you have any questions about the FPSE AGM.

3. Douglas College Board of Governors Meeting – Thursday, May 26th @ 5pm

 Meeting Attendance Opportunities

All faculty are welcome to attend all open session meetings of the College Board. The next meeting is scheduled to take place on Thursday, May 25th at 5pm at the New Westminster campus (Room S4920). At this time, it is not possible to attend virtually.

Any faculty who are interested in attending the Open Session of the College Board meeting, are required to reserve a seat, or request a Zoom link by contacting the Devon Smith (dsmith93@douglascollege.ca), (or Jo-Anne Bilquist (bilquistj@douglascollege.ca) in the event of Devon Smith’s absence). Attendees are asked to register on a sign-in sheet provided in the boardroom so that their attendance can be recorded in the minutes.

Information about the Board of Governors and the agenda may be found on the following site – https://www.douglascollege.ca/sites/default/files/docs/governance/DC%20Board%202021-22%20Meeting%20Schedule%20final.pdf

 Additionally, past Board of Governors Meeting Minutes may be found on the following site –


4. DCFA Member Questions

 Callout to all DCFA Members

If you have any questions relating to DCFA membership at Douglas College, or you have topic suggestions for future DCFA Update editions, please submit such information below. To protect the privacy of all submitters, anonymity will be maintained.  Feedback link.

Updates – May 12, 2022

Item 1 –  Waitlist Changes
Item 2 – AGM/Structural Review: Additional Member at Large
Item 3 – AGM/DL PDP (formerly CRPDL)
Item 4 – AGM/Supplemental PD Fund
Item 5 – AGM/Bargaining Mandate
Item 6 – DCFA Member Questions

1. Waitlist Changes

As you are aware, the employer has announced changes to the waitlist process. These changes will take effect in week #1 of the Fall 2022 semester. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact your Deans and/or your Education Council representative.

2. AGM/Structural Review: Additional Member at Large

At the AGM on May 5th, the membership voted to approve the pilot of a ‘Temporary Member at Large’ position. Following the meeting, a member raised a concern about how this would affect the composition at Executive Council. As we failed to clarify this at the AGM, we decided not to move ahead with this initiative at this time, but rather to bring it back to the general membership at a future meeting.

3. AGM/DL PDP (formerly CRPDL) – Ralph Ferens

An update was provided regarding the CRPDL grievance resolution:

a) CRPDL has been replaced by a professional development activity named DL PDP.

b) DL PDP completion is voluntary, and faculty may enroll in all or several parts of the program.

c) DL PDP completion does not need to be reported to a Responsible Administrators and/or Chair/Coordinator because program completion will not advantage those who wish to teach distributed learning courses.

d) DL PDP is not a necessary requirement for online/hybrid instruction at Douglas College.

e) DL PDP is a valuable professional development activity for faculty who want to improve their distributed learning delivery skills.

4. Supplemental Professional Development Fund Arbitration – Devin Shaw

An update was provided regarding the Supplemental PD arbitration resolution:

a) Professional Membership Dues are not covered under the Supplemental PD fund

b) Conferences attendance is covered under the Supplemental PD fund. Faculty are not required to ‘present’ at the conference to be eligible for reimbursement.

5. DCFA Collective Agreement Bargaining Mandate – Devin Shaw

The bargaining mandate and the principles that will guide bargaining were described. More information will be shared with membership in the Fall 2022 semester.

6. DCFA Member Questions

 Callout to all DCFA Members

If you have any questions relating to DCFA membership at Douglas College, or you have topic suggestions for future DCFA Update editions, please submit such information below. To protect the privacy of all submitters, anonymity will be maintained.  Feedback link.

Updates – April 26, 2022

Item 1 – BARGAINING UPDATE: DC Benefits Plan
Item 2 – EDUCATION OPPORTUNITY: Current & Aspiring Chairs/Coordinators
Item 3 – Opportunity for DC Faculty:  POSITION SPOTLIGHT – Joint-Rehabilitation Management Committee Member
Item 4 – Ombudsperson Availability
Item 5 – DCFA Member Questions


Bargaining survey feedback has overwhelmingly indicated the need for benefits plan improvements at Douglas College. The DCFA has performed a review of the Douglas College benefits plan relative to the 17 other PSEA consortium colleges and teaching universities. Despite being among the most profitable colleges and teaching universities in the sector, Douglas College provides some of the lowest benefits to its faculty (2 Examples Below). The DCFA is committed to negotiating improved benefits on behalf of faculty.

Physiotherapy (full resolution image)

Massage Therapy (full resolution image)

More information on the complete DCFA Benefits Package will be presented at the start of the Fall 2022 semester.

2. EDUCATION OPPORTUNITY: Current & Aspiring Chairs/Coordinators

On Thursday, May 5th @ 10:30 to 12pm, the DCFA will host a ‘Chairs and Coordinator Education Session.’ The session is designed to provide tools and resources that are specific to the work performed in these roles. In addition to inviting existing Chairs and Coordinators, the DCFA wishes to extend an invite to any ‘aspiring’ Chairs and Coordinators. If you are interested in attending, please email Ralph Ferens @ dcfamemberatlarge@gmail.com.

3. OPPORTUNITY: Joint-Rehabilitation Management Committee Member

There are currently 2 two-year positions available on the JRC; note that this is the second call-out. The first was issued Friday 8th April, 2022.

JRC Representative: September 1st, 2022 to August 31st, 2024

This position has one section of time release per year. The time release is scheduled in consultation with the other JRC representative, so that each Representative faculty member has time release during a different semester (Fall or Winter).

JRC Alternate: September 1st, 2022 to August 31st, 2024

This position has no time release.

More information on each of these positions can be found in the JRC Terms of Reference.

If you are interested, please submit a short statement of interest (150-200 words) that illustrates any relevant experience that may be helpful in establishing suitability for such a position.

Submit your statement to dcfa@douglascollege.ca. Please include JRC Call Out in the subject line.

Expressions of interest are due by 2 May 2022, at noon. Please clearly state which position you are running for (Representative or Alternate).

Executive Council will review expressions of interest and make the selection. Preference will be given to faculty members who have relevant experience.

4. Ombudsperson Availability

While the Ombudsperson position is currently vacant, Michael Blefare, who will be assuming the position 1 September 2022, is available, on a contractual basis, if you require assistance. Please contact the DCFA office at dcfa@douglascollege.ca.

5. DCFA Member Questions

 Callout to all DCFA Members

If you have any questions relating to DCFA membership at Douglas College, or you have topic suggestions for future DCFA Update editions, please submit such information below. To protect the privacy of all submitters, anonymity will be maintained.  Feedback link.

Updates – April 2o, 2022

Item 1 – FACULTY QUESTION: Table Officer Nominations & Endorsements         
Item 2 – FACULTY RIGHTS: Normal Working Conditions
Item 4 – DCFA Member Questions

1. FACULTY QUESTION: Table Officer Nominations & Endorsements

Question – Can DCFA Table Officers endorse candidates?

Answer – There are no restrictions in the DCFA Bylaws that limit DCFA Table Officers from endorsing candidates. However, the current Table Officers believe that it is important to not display bias towards any candidate. The Table Officers will support and work with all successful nominees. Therefore, the current Table Officers do not endorse candidates.

2. FACULTY RIGHTS: Normal Working Conditions

New full-time faculty commonly have questions about work conditions at Douglas College. The purpose of this communication is to respond to common questions:

Question – In a 12-month work year, how many months of vacation are full-time DC faculty entitled to?

 Answer – DC faculty are entitled to 2 months of vacation (Article 17.02 a), and for faculty members that have instructional responsibility regularly scheduled throughout the year, vacation schedules will include at least one (1) one-month block (Article 17.02 e).

Question – Aside from teaching, what duties are expected of a full-time DC faculty member?

 Answer – There are 10 months of accountable time. This period includes such activities as teaching, the counselling of students, curriculum and professional development, department tasks, and participation on a variety of educational committees (Article 8.01 a).  Within the 10-month accountable time period, all regular faculty members will normally be assured a minimum of one 1 month professional and curriculum development time (Article 8.01 b).

For more information about the aforementioned information, please contact the DCFA or refer to the current DCFA collective agreement Articles 8.01, and 17.02.


Opportunities available to DC Faculty

The purpose of this ‘multi-part communication series’ is to spotlight and provide information about the opportunities that are available to DCFA Members.

What is a Joint Occupational Health and Safety Committee?

In British Columbia, the Occupational Health and Safety Act mandates that any employer that has twenty (20) or more employees, must form an Occupational Health and Safety Committee. Committee composition must consist of >50% workers, <50% managers. (Source: https://www.worksafebc.com/en/health-safety/create-manage/joint-health-safety-committees)

Douglas College refers to its committee as JOH&S, or Joint Occupational Health and Safety. JOH&S Members play a crucial role in ensuring the physical, mental and emotional health, safety and well-being of all employees at their respective worksite. JOH&S members advocate on behalf of employees, and typical duties include:

  1. Performing regular workplace inspections – safety hazard identification
  2. Performing accident investigations
  3. Controlling safety hazards and making remediation recommendation
  4. Investigating employee complaints and accident investigations
  5. Performing trend and root cause analysis to identify common safety risks.
  6. Making recommendations to management to prevent future related incidents
  7. Disseminating health & safety info to employees

A full list of procedures, duties and functions is described in Occupational Health and Safety Act (https://www.worksafebc.com/en/health-safety/create-manage/joint-health-safety-committees)

Douglas College JOH&S Committee Composition, Terms and Eligibility

Each Douglas College campus (where 20 or more workers are employed) has a JOH&S committee, and each committee meets consistently on a monthly basis. The New Westminster campus and Anvil Centre campus Committees meet together, while the Coquitlam campus committee meets independently. Two (2) faculty representatives serve on each Douglas College campus committee, and faculty representatives are eligible to serve as Committee Co-Chair (Source: DCFA Agreement – Article 10.08 a). Representatives are appointed by Executive Council and serve for two-year terms, with a limit of two consecutive two-year terms and no overall limit on the number of non-consecutive terms. The Health and Safety Committee members will elect from among themselves, one member to attend Contract Committee meetings to report and to receive feedback, and one member to represent the DCFA at the FPSE WHSEC Committee (Source: DOUGLAS COLLEGE FACULTY ASSOCIATION CONSTITUTION AND BY-LAWS).

For more information about the aforementioned information, please contact the DCFA or refer to the current DCFA collective agreement – https://www.dcfa.ca/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/Faculty-Collective-Agreement-2019-2022-combined.pdf , or Douglas College Faculty Association Constitution and By-Laws – https://www.dcfa.ca/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/DCFA-Con-ByLaws-Jan-26-2022-Print.pdf

Additional resources are available through WorkSafe BC – 

https://www.worksafebc.com/en/law-policy/occupational-health-safety/searchable-ohs-regulation/ohs-regulation/part-03-rights-and-responsibilities  OR


4. DCFA Member Questions

 Callout to all DCFA Members

If you have any questions relating to DCFA membership at Douglas College, or you have topic suggestions for future DCFA Update editions, please submit such information below. To protect the privacy of all submitters, anonymity will be maintained.  Feedback link.

Updates – April 12, 2022

Item 1 – Collective Agreement Expiry
Item 2 – Opportunity for DC Faculty:  POSITION SPOTLIGHT – DCFA Steward
Item 3 – FACULTY RIGHTS: Qualified to Teach (QTT)
Item 4 – DCFA Member Questions

1. Collective Agreement Expiry

The Collective Agreement between Douglas College and the DCFA expired on March 31, 2022.

What does the expiry mean for members?

Though the 2019-2022 Agreement has expired, it continues “in force until amended or superseded and salary and other adjustments shall be retroactive to April 1 [2022], unless otherwise specified” (Article 1.01).

Devin Shaw, VP Negotiations (Interim President until May 2022), will bring the Bargaining Mandate for ratification at the 2022 AGM. A draft mandate was circulated as Bargaining Bulletin #1 on March 28th, 2022. We plan to begin bargaining substantial issues in Fall 2022.

2. Opportunity for DC Faculty: POSITION SPOTLIGHT – DCFA Steward

Opportunities available to DC Faculty

The purpose of this ‘multi-part communication series’ is to spotlight and provide information about the opportunities that are available to DCFA Members.

What is the DCFA?

Like most educators across Canada, Douglas College faculty are union members and they belong to a faculty association. In the case of Douglas College, the DCFA, or the Douglas College Faculty Association negotiates and maintains the employment contract between the employer and faculty members. The DCFA contract outlines assorted employment rules, processes, policies and provisions related to topics such as faculty selection, evaluation, work assignment, seniority, working conditions, professional development, compensation/benefits, and leave privileges. In addition to the DCFA collective agreement, Douglas College faculty also receive benefits afforded by the April 1, 2014 – March, 31 2019 Common Agreement. Of the 19 locals in the Federation of Post-Secondary Educators of BC (FPSE), Douglas College is the 3rd largest in full-time member count at ~700 full-time members.

What is a DCFA Steward?

In all unionized workplaces, Stewards serve the membership by facilitating the operation of the agreement, and representing employees in employer-employee relationships. Each of Douglas College’s six faculties and SAS/SLS have one (1) Steward, and a one (1) Alternate Steward. At Douglas College, Stewards work very closely with DCFA Table Officers (Vice-President Stewardship and Member at Large). 

Typical DCFA Steward duties include, may include:

  • Interacting with and supporting Faculty Members
  • Providing information and education to Faculty Members
  • Representing Faculty Members during complaints and grievances
  • Solving problems in the workplace
  • Liaising with Table Officers
  • Creating a union presence and promoting the union in the workplace.

Term and Eligibility

DCFA Stewards serve two-year terms, and all Regular Faculty are eligible to serve. An ‘election call-out’ email will be sent in May to announce the positions that are due for election. Interested faculty may express interest by self-nominating themselves. 

For more information, please contact the DCFA.

3. FACULTY RIGHTS: Qualified to Teach (QTT)

In recent weeks, faculty have contacted the DCFA to learn about their faculty rights relating to QTT language and becoming QTT’d for additional courses. The purpose of this communication is to respond to these questions:

Question – Who determines and administers QTT criteria?

Answer – Faculty establish the QTT criteria for each course in their DDP (Article 7.09). The selection committee (elected by the DDP to represent the interests of the DDP) administers the QTT criteria on behalf of the department and evaluates candidate applications (Article 5.04 b ii).

Question – How do faculty learn about QTT criteria?

Answer – All faculty are entitled to access QTT criteria for their DDP. One way to share QTT Criteria is via SharePoint.

For more information about the aforementioned information, please contact the DCFA or refer to the current DCFA collective agreement Articles 5.04, 7.09.

4. DCFA Member Questions

 Callout to all DCFA Members

If you have any questions relating to DCFA membership at Douglas College, or you have topic suggestions for future DCFA Update editions, please submit such information below. To protect the privacy of all submitters, anonymity will be maintained.  Feedback link.

UPDATES – March 22, 2022

Item 1 – REMINDER:  Open Bargaining Training Session – This Friday — March 25th (via Zoom)
Item 2 – DCFA General Meeting – Monday, March 28th @ 9:30 am (via Zoom)
Item 3 – Douglas College Board of Governors Meeting – this Thursday, March 24th @ 5pm (New West S4920 or Zoom)
Item 4 – Opportunity for DC Faculty:  Coordinator
Item 5 – Douglas College Board of Governors – Faculty Representative Election (March 21, 2022 to March 30, 2022)
Item 6 – DCFA Member Questions

1. REMINDER: Open Bargaining Training Session – This Friday – March 25th (via Zoom)

The DCFA will host an information session on open bargaining on March 25th at 3:30-5pm. All members are encouraged to attend. The training session will feature a talk from Weldon Cowan, the FPSE Staff Representative for the DCFA and for this round of bargaining.

DCFA Training Link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/84652056232?pwd=MUNjUm16KzhnMVBKVHBKbTZCQ0NaQT09

For more information about the aforementioned information, please contact Devin Shaw @ dcfa.devin.shaw@gmail.com

2. DCFA General Meeting – Monday, March 28th @ 9:30 am (via Zoom)

The next DCFA General Meeting will take place on Monday, March 28th @ 9:30 via Zoom. The purpose of this event is to provide faculty members with valuable opportunities to:

  • Engage and meet faculty peers
  • Learn about important employment related topics that impact Douglas College faculty
  • Ask questions and seek clarity about employment topics
  • Relay opinions and vote on DCFA directives

Faculty can expect to receive the complete General Meeting agenda package via email this week.

3. Douglas College Board of Governors Meeting – this Thursday, March 24th @ 5pm (New West S4920 or Zoom)

Meeting Attendance Opportunities

All faculty are welcome to attend all open session meetings of the College Board. The next meeting is scheduled to take place on Thursday, March 24th at 5pm at the New Westminster campus (Room S4920). Also, it is possible to attend virtually via Zoom.

Any faculty who are interested in attending the Open Session of the College Board meeting, are required to reserve a seat, or request a Zoom link by contacting the Devon Smith (dsmith93@douglascollege.ca), (or Jo-Anne Bilquist (bilquistj@douglascollege.ca) in the event of Devon Smith’s absence). Attendees are asked to register on a sign-in sheet provided in the boardroom so that their attendance can be recorded in the minutes.

Information about the Board of Governors and the agenda may be found on the following site – https://www.douglascollege.ca/sites/default/files/docs/governance/DC%20Board%202021-22%20Meeting%20Schedule%20final.pdf

Additionally, past Board of Governors Meeting Minutes may be found on the following site –


4. Opportunity for DC Faculty: Coordinator (Opportunities vary per DDP)

Opportunities available to DC Faculty

The purpose of this ‘ongoing and multi-part communication series’ is to spotlight and provide information about the many opportunities that are available to DCFA Members.

What is a Coordinator?

A Coordinator is a faculty member that performs assorted operational/administrative roles on behalf of a DDP (Department, Discipline, Program). Typical duties may include: liaising with students, counselling students, maintaining external stakeholder relationships, ensuring program curriculum is consistent with academic standards, supporting the Department Chair.

Coordinator Appointment, Term and Eligibility

Selection Committees establish the qualifications and criteria for the Coordinator, and conduct the recruitment and selection process. Internal candidates must have two years of FTE service (Article 11.02a). The term limits placed upon Coordinator positions vary across the college. Over the years, Coordinator positions have been posted and accepted that do not specify any term limits. Also, Coordinator positions have been posted and accepted that do have specific term limits (e.g. 1 year term).

For more information about the aforementioned information, please contact the DCFA or refer to the current DCFA collective agreement Article 11.02 – Selection of Coordinators — https://www.dcfa.ca/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/Faculty-Collective-Agreement-2019-2022-combined.pdf

5. Douglas College Board of Governors – Faculty Representative Election (March 21, 2022 to March 30, 2022)

The Board of Governors ‘Faculty Representative’ position election takes place March 21st to March 30th. The following candidates have been nominated:                       

FRASER, Morna             


Term of office commences September 1, 2022 and ends August 31, 2025. 

Candidate Platform Statements:

Candidate platform statements may be accessed via the following weblink:


Voting Instructions:

To vote, go to  www.douglascollege.ca (then scroll down to Quicklinks at bottom of page)

  1. Sign on to the Employee Self-Service (using your 9 digit employee number and PIN.)  
  2. Click on the Personal Information menu and then click on Elections.  
  3. Follow the instructions to vote

6. DCFA Member Questions

If you have any questions relating to DCFA membership at Douglas College, or you have topic suggestions for future DCFA Update editions, please submit such information below. To protect the privacy of all submitters, anonymity will be maintained.  Feedback link.

UPDATES – March 15, 2022

Item 1 – UPDATE: Open Bargaining Training Session
Item 2 – Opportunity for DC Faculty:  Department Chair
Item 3 – Speaker Series: Save Food, Save Money, Save the Planet: Climate action in your own kitchen
Item 4 – DCFA GM Dates 2022/23
Item 5 – DCFA Member Questions

1. UPDATE: Open Bargaining Training Session – March 25th (via Zoom)

The DCFA will host an information session on open bargaining on March 25th at 3:30-5pm. All members are encouraged to attend. The training session will feature a talk from Weldon Cowan, the FPSE Staff Representative for the DCFA and for this round of bargaining.

DCFA Training Link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/84652056232?pwd=MUNjUm16KzhnMVBKVHBKbTZCQ0NaQT09

For more information about the aforementioned information, please contact Devin Shaw @ dcfa.devin.shaw@gmail.com

2. Opportunity for DC Faculty: Department Chair

Opportunities available to DC Faculty

The purpose of this ‘multi-part communication series’ is to spotlight and provide information about the opportunities that are available to DCFA Members.

What is a Department Chair?

A Chair is a faculty member that performs assorted operational/administrative roles on behalf of a DDP (Department, Discipline, Program). Typical duties may include: ed-planning and timetabling, monitoring education plans, coordinating curriculum design and implementation team work, fostering educational practices within the DDP, representing DDP interests across the college assisting faculty colleagues, etc… 

Chair Term Duration and Resources?

Chairs receive course time release resources to fulfill work duties, and shall be elected for a one-year period (Article 11.01a).

Chair Election, and Who is Eligible?

Each Winter semester, a Responsible Administrator (RA) will provide a written announcement of a meeting during which a Chair election will take place (Article 11.01b ii and iv). This announcement will take place at least two weeks prior to the date of the meeting (Article 11.01b iv). All regular faculty members are eligible to nominate themselves to be a chair, and may do so at any time prior to the election (Article 11.01b i). Only regular faculty members of the DDP or closest related DDP shall be eligible to vote for and be elected as Chair (Article 11.01b i).

Elections for Chair will occur at a meeting of faculty, which is duly constituted by the Responsible Administrator (Article 11.01b iii). Chair elections will be determined by majority vote of the faculty, by either a show of hands or by ballot, as determined appropriate by the DDP (Article 11.01b vi). Following election, the Responsible Administrator will offer an appointment to the faculty member so elected and will advise Human Resources, in writing, of the name of the elected Chair and any associated time release (Article 11.01b vii).

Mid-Cycle Chair Changes

A Chair can be removed from the position by a majority vote of regular faculty members present and voting at a duly called meeting of the discipline(s)/program(s) (Article 11.01b viii). The aforementioned process will be initiated to fill the vacancy, but when a vacancy is unable to be filled by the above process, it is understood that the Dean/Associate Dean/Director will assume the duties normally performed by the Chair (Article 11.01b ix).

For more information, please contact the DCFA or refer to the current DCFA collective agreement Article 11.01 – Elections of Chairs — https://www.dcfa.ca/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/Faculty-Collective-Agreement-2019-2022-combined.pdf

3. Speaker Series: Save Food, Save Money, Save the Planet: Climate action in your own kitchen

The DCFA Climate Emergency Action Committee (CEAC) cordially invite all faculty to attend the third in our speakers’ series on Food Waste and it’s contribution to climate change – March 30 @ 10am (1 hour).


Beyond the supermarket, many of us are blissfully unaware of where our food comes from and the many issues in our food systems that contribute to food ending up in landfills which ultimately results in increased carbon emissions. Belinda Li, co-found of SFU’s Food Systems Lab will tell us how individuals can help tackle some of these issues and decrease food waste.

Registration link:   tiny.cc/dcfafoodwaste

4. DCFA GM Dates

DCFA General Meetings take place throughout the year.  These events are scheduled monthly, usually occur on Mondays during the meeting block, and are 1 to 1.5 hours in duration. The purpose of these events is to provide faculty members with valuable opportunities to:

  • Engage and meet with faculty peers
  • Learn about important employment-related topics that impact Douglas College faculty
  • Ask questions and seek clarity about employment topics
  • Relay opinions and vote on DCFA directives

Please save the following DCFA GM dates in your calendar, and see you at the next GM:


September 26, 2022 / October 24, 2022 / November 28, 2022


January 23, 2023 / February 27, 2023 / March 27, 2023

5. DCFA Member Questions

If you have any questions relating to DCFA membership at Douglas College, or you have topic suggestions for future DCFA Update editions, please submit such information below. To protect the privacy of all submitters, anonymity will be maintained.  Feedback link.

UPDATES – March 8, 2022

Item 1 – MARCH 8th is International Women’s Day
Item 2 – Opportunity for DC Faculty:  Education Council Representative – NOMINATIONS UNDERWAY
Item 3 – NOMINATION FORMS: College Board and Ed Co Positions
Item 4 – IMPORTANT REMINDER: Bargaining Survey is Currently Open
Item 5 – DCFA Member Questions

1. MARCH 8th is International Women’s Day

A Message from the DCFA Status of Women’s Committee:

Tuesday, March 8th is International Women’s Day.  The DCFA Status of Women’s Committee will be collaborating with the Douglas Student’s Union, to celebrate on Tuesday, from 11am to 4pm in the Concourse.  The Committees will be handing out information, hot chocolate, and chocolates, and raising awareness of this important day. This year’s theme is #Breakthebias.  We look forward to your stopping by and saying hello!

2. Opportunity for DC Faculty: Education Council Representative – NOMINATIONS UNDERWAY

What is Education Council?

The Education Council is the key to the bicameral organization of the College. It ensures that faculty are given a clear majority voice on issues relating to educational policy and curriculum content. The College and Institute Act (amended to incorporate Bill 22 in 1996) requires that each educational institution in British Columbia create an Education Council. The Act describes three types of roles and responsibilities for Council. They are:

  1. The sole responsibility to set curriculum content as well as certain policies and criteria as identified under the Act.
  2. The joint responsibility with the Board on matters of curriculum evaluation related to course transfer as identified under the Act and other responsibilities of the Board that, on the initiative of the Board, the Board and the Council are subject to joint approval.
  3. An advisory role, responsible for advising the Board on the development of educational policies as identified under the Act.

Eligibility and Terms

Education council consists of 20 voting members: 10 faculty; 4 students; 2 staff; and 4 educational administrators.  Of the ten faculty positions, 8 faculty members, one from each of the six Faculties at the College, and one each from Learning Resources and Student Services, are elected by their respective faculties or areas; 2 faculty members are elected by faculty on a college-wide basis as members of the council. The two at-large faculty representatives are not both from Learning Resources, Student Services or the same Faculty. Faculty members elected to the council serve a two-year term and may be elected to further terms. The terms of the two faculty members at large are staggered with one faculty member at large beginning their term in one year, and the other faculty member at large beginning their term in the following year.

(Education Council bylaw Article 1.2)

Members of the council shall attend all meetings of the council.

  1. Members of the council have a duty to always participate freely in council deliberations and voting, and ultimately exercise their best judgment with a view to what is in the best interest of the college.
  2. Elected members of the council have a responsibility to communicate information from the council to their constituents and to communicate information and the views of their constituents to the council.
  3. Every voting member of the council shall serve on at least one council committee.

(Education Council bylaw Article 1.3)

For more information about the aforementioned information, please contact the DCFA.

3. NOMINATION FORMS: College Board and Ed Co Positions

College Board of Governors and Ed Co Position ‘nomination forms’ have been posted, and may be accessed via the following weblinks:

College Board: https://www.douglascollege.ca/about-douglas/governance/college-board/college-board-elections

Education Councilhttps://www.douglascollege.ca/about-douglas/governance/education-council/education-council-elections

For more information about the aforementioned information, please contact the DCFA, or visit the following weblink:


4. IMPORTANT REMINDER: Bargaining Survey is Currently Open

On Wednesday, March 1st, you should have received two separate emails regarding ‘Bargaining Surveys.’ These surveys were issued via ‘Simple Survey’ and sent from the following email address: messages-noreply@simplesurvey.com.     

  1. DCFA Bargaining Survey invitation #1 – Quantitative
  2. DCFA Bargaining Survey invitation #2 – Qualitative

Both surveys close on March 8th, at 11:59pm.

The DCFA wants to collect as much faculty feedback as possible so that it may represent the voice of all faculty. Thank you in advance to those who have made the time to fill out the surveys.

In the event, that you did not receive these emails, it is likely because it has been delivered to your ‘Other’ (non-focused) Inbox, or your ‘Junk Box.’ 

5. DCFA Member Questions

If you have any questions relating to DCFA membership at Douglas College, or you have topic suggestions for future DCFA Update editions, please submit such information below. To protect the privacy of all submitters, anonymity will be maintained.  Feedback link.

UPDATES – March 1, 2022

Item 1 – REMINDER – College Board and Education Council Election Faculty and Support Staff Representative Postings
Item 2 – Opportunity for DC Faculty:  Curriculum/Program Content Developer (Intermittent/Occasional Opportunities)
Item 3 – UPDATE: Conflict of Interest Policy Draft
Item 4 – UPDATE: DCFA News/Discussion @ End of DDP Meetings
Item 5 – THANK YOU: Payroll Accuracy Audit Volunteers
Item 6 – DCFA Member Questions

1. REMINDER – College Board and Education Council Election Faculty and Support Staff Representative Postings

The College Registrar has posted a “Notice of Call for Nomination for College Board and Education Council Election Faculty and Support Staff Representatives” on DC Connect.  (https://collegedouglas.sharepoint.com/sites/dcconnect/news_events/news/Pages/COLLEGE-BOARD-and-EDUCATION-COUNCIL-ELECTION-FACULTY-AND-SUPPORT-STAFF-REPRESENTATIVES.aspx)

Nomination, campaigning and voting timelines are included below:

2. Opportunity for DC Faculty: Curriculum/Program Content Developer (Intermittent/Occasional Opportunities)

Opportunities available to DC Faculty

The purpose of this ‘multi-part communication series’ is to spotlight and provide information about the opportunities that are available to DCFA Members.

What is a Curriculum/Program Content Developer?

The College regularly seconds faculty to design new programs, make significant revisions to existing programs, or to work on projects. Faculty who have subject matter expertise in areas that are related to such duties may nominate themselves to perform such work.

Curriculum/Program Content Developer Appointment, Term and Eligibility

The College may assign program/curriculum development or special projects to faculty members and, in such cases, will provide adequate time to accomplish the agreed upon tasks (Article 8.12 a). Selection committees are primarily responsible for participating in the selection of faculty for program development projects (Article 5.01 a iv). In such cases, postings would advertise the opportunities. However, it is important for faculty to realize that Responsible Administrators may assign such work without using a posting. This may occur where a Responsible Administrator is already aware of a faculty member’s interest in a project because the faculty member has developed a program development proposal, and where the faculty member is qualified for the work in question (Article 8.12 c i). Therefore, it is recommended that faculty members proactively advise Responsible Administrators regarding their areas of interest. Proactively expressing interest via email is highly advisable so that the Responsible Administrator has a written record to refer to at the time that such a project is deemed feasible. Doing so will ensure that a faculty member does not miss out on an opportunity to participate in a program/curriculum development project.

For more information about the aforementioned information, please contact the DCFA or refer to the current DCFA collective agreement Article 8.12 – Assignment of Other Duties & Article 5.01 – Selection Committees — https://dcfa.ca/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/Faculty-Collective-Agreement-2019-2022-combined.pdf

3. UPDATE: Conflict of Interest Policy Draft


At the start of February 2022, the employer issued a draft ‘Conflict of Interest’ policy for the purpose of attaining DCFA and faculty feedback.  Having collected sufficient feedback, the employer removed the draft with the intent of incorporating the feedback into a re-write.

DCFA Action

The DCFA provided detailed technical feedback to the employer regarding concerns relating to the draft policy. Additionally, the DCFA shared a generalized concern with the employer regarding the issuance of policies that unilaterally expand upon the interpretation of language in the collective agreement outside of the collective bargaining process. 

4. UPDATE: DCFA News/Discussion @ End of DDP Meetings


Over the past two months, faculty have expressed concerns regarding a directive issued by the employer to faculty requesting the cessation of scheduling DCFA Discussion/News time on Regular DDP Meeting Agendas. Based upon faculty feedback, the DCFA has reason to believe that this directive is of concern to faculty members.

Next Steps for Faculty

It is important to ensure that faculty have the ability to discuss employment matters in a timely fashion. In fact, as the DCFA commences bargaining with the employer, it is very important that faculty continue to meet, become informed, debate and discuss important topics related to their employment at Douglas College. For this reason, the DCFA recommends the following solution.

Faculty should honor the employer’s request, and not schedule DCFA Discussion/News on DDP Meeting Agendas. Rather, faculty are recommended to schedule a separate meeting and agenda for the purpose of ‘DCFA News/Discussion’ in their DDP. Such meetings may occur directly following regularly scheduled DDP meetings.

5. THANK YOU: Payroll Accuracy Audit Volunteers

The DCFA wishes to thank the countless faculty members who submitted their pay stubs for review in this audit. The payroll accuracy audit has been completed. The good news is that there are no deviations to report. Thank you again for volunteering.

6. DCFA Member Questions

If you have any questions relating to DCFA membership at Douglas College, or you have topic suggestions for future DCFA Update editions, please submit such information below. To protect the privacy of all submitters, anonymity will be maintained.  Feedback link.

UPDATES – February 22, 2022

Item 1 – Opportunity for DC Faculty:  Education Council Representative – NOMINATIONS/ELECTION COMING VERY SOON
Item 2 – Pink Shirt – Anti-Bullying Day – February 23rd
Item 3 – Mental Health First Aid Training
Item 4 – Province Wide Pension Information Session for Non-Regular and Recently Hired Faculty from FPSE Locals
Item 5 – DCFA Member Questions

1. Opportunity for DC Faculty: Education Council Representative – NOMINATIONS/ELECTION – THIS FRIDAY 2.25.2022

What is Education Council?

The Education Council is the key to the bicameral organization of the College. It ensures that faculty are given a clear majority voice on issues relating to educational policy and curriculum content. The College and Institute Act (amended to incorporate Bill 22 in 1996) requires that each educational institution in British Columbia create an Education Council. The Act describes three types of roles and responsibilities for Council. They are:

  1. The sole responsibility to set curriculum content as well as certain policies and criteria as identified under the Act.
  2. The joint responsibility with the Board on matters of curriculum evaluation related to course transfer as identified under the Act and other responsibilities of the Board that, on the initiative of the Board, the Board and the Council are subject to joint approval.
  3. An advisory role, responsible for advising the Board on the development of educational policies as identified under the Act.

Eligibility and Terms

Education council consists of 20 voting members: 10 faculty; 4 students; 2 staff; and 4 educational administrators.  Of the ten faculty positions, 8 faculty members, one from each of the six Faculties at the College, and one each from Learning Resources and Student Services, are elected by their respective faculties or areas; 2 faculty members are elected by faculty on a college-wide basis as members of the council. The two at-large faculty representatives are not both from Learning Resources, Student Services or the same Faculty. Faculty members elected to the council serve a two-year term and may be elected to further terms. The terms of the two faculty members at large are staggered with one faculty member at large beginning their term in one year, and the other faculty member at large beginning their term in the following year.

(Education Council bylaw Article 1.2)

Members of the council shall attend all meetings of the council.

  1. Members of the council have a duty to always participate freely in council deliberations and voting, and ultimately exercise their best judgment with a view to what is in the best interest of the college.
  2. Elected members of the council have a responsibility to communicate information from the council to their constituents and to communicate information and the views of their constituents to the council.
  3. Every voting member of the council shall serve on at least one council committee.

(Education Council bylaw Article 1.3)

2. Pink Shirt – Anti-Bullying Day – February 23rd

February 23rd is Anti-Bullying Day. Across Canada, and many other nations, people display their support by wearing a pink-coloured shirt to stand against bullying. Please show your support by donning your best pink fashion.

3. Mental Health First Aid Training

The Joint Occupational Health & Safety Committees (JOH&S) cordially invite all faculty to register and attend this informative training series — March 28 & 29, online 8:30am-12:00pm – SPOTS MAY FILL QUICKLY – REGISTER NOW

There is a stigma associated with mental health problems. Evidence shows that taking an MHFA course reduces social distance between the participant and someone experiencing a mental health problem. 

Awareness    One person in five will experience a mental health problem this year. Evidence shows that MHFA course participants increase their awareness of signs and symptoms of the most common mental health problems. 

Confidence    The most difficult part of intervening is knowing what to say. Evidence shows that taking an MHFA course increases the confidence participants have in engaging someone experiencing a mental health problem or crisis. 

Available to all employees of Douglas College on March 28 & 29, 2022 at 8:30 am both days.  Each day is 3.5 hour training and completion requires attendance over both days.  There is a limit of 15 participants and this one usually books up quickly.  If you have questions, contact safety@douglascollege.ca 

To register:    https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/douglas-college-mental-health-first-aid-training-tickets-247346639457

Source: https://collegedouglas.sharepoint.com/sites/dcconnect/news_events/news/Pages/Mental-Health-First-Aid-Training-.aspx

4. Province Wide Pension Information Session for Non-Regular and Recently Hired Faculty from FPSE Locals – MARK IT IN YOUR CALENDAR

Pension is an unrealized benefit for far too many faculty / staff at FPSE locals. The benefits of joining the BC College Pension Plan as soon as possible is something we would like all faculty members to be aware of when they begin their post-secondary education careers. To that end, we are inviting all Non-Regularized faculty and recently hired faculty (e.g., last 3 years) at FPSE locals to an informative session to find out why the amount of time you have in the College Pension Plan is as important as the amount you put in.

Dennis Anderson, Vice President of the BC College Pension Plan Retirees (CPPR) will be supplying the foundational information about the College Pension Plan, and Brent Calvert, FPSE President will be talking about the FPSE “Faculty Whole Life Initiatives” the federation is working on.

Date: March 4, 2022

Time: 3:00 – 4:30 pm

Registration Link = https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZcvceivrjMsGt1uGGZ_HJEgH2htFnyS1MBJ

5. DCFA Member Questions

If you have any questions relating to DCFA membership at Douglas College, or you have topic suggestions for future DCFA Update editions, please submit such information below. To protect the privacy of all submitters, anonymity will be maintained.  Feedback link.

UPDATES – February 15, 2022

Item 1 – POSTPONEMENT – DCFA Special Topics: Professional Development Fund
Item 2 – Opportunity for DC Faculty:  Selection Committee Member
Item 3 – DCFA Statement on the “Rally for Informed Consent at Douglas College”
Item 4 – Speaker Series: Labour Exploitation at Home and Abroad
Item 5 – DCFA Member Questions

1.  POSTPONEMENT – DCFA Special Topics: The Collective Agreement – Professional Development

The Special Topics component of the February 28th DCFA General Meeting has been postponed because the DCFA is awaiting a full decision from a related arbitration case. The General Meeting will still be held.

2.  Opportunity for DC Faculty: Selection Committee Member

Opportunities available to DC Faculty

The purpose of this ‘multi-part communication series’ is to spotlight and provide information about the opportunities that are available to DCFA Members.


What is a Selection Committee Member?

A Selection Committee Member is a faculty member who performs assorted functions related to recruitment and selection of faculty and/or DDP coordinator positions. Typical duties include, but are not limited to: establishing, maintaining and updating QTT language for each course in the DDP, maintaining contract faculty inventory lists, making QTT determinations, selecting regular and contract faculty in the DDP, selecting DDP’s Coordinator(s), selecting extra-DDP faculty, selecting faculty for program/curriculum development projects (Article 5.01a).

Selection Committee Composition & Decision-Making Authority

Each selection committee will consist of three members: two elected faculty members from each DDP; and the Responsible Administrator or designate. Additionally, each DDP shall elect up to two alternate/relief selection committee members. The Selection Committee will elect one of its three members to chair the Committee (Article 5.01b).

Where the Selection Committee determines that neither its members nor the elected alternate(s) have the necessary content expertise in relation to a particular selection, the Selection Committee may invite up to two faculty members who have such expertise to act as a resource to the Selection Committee throughout that selection. Such invited content expert(s) must comply with the conditions and rules of the Selection Committee process, and shall have voice but no vote (Article 5.01b).

Selection Committee Election, Term and Eligibility

Selection Committee Elections usually take place at the time of the Chair Election. Selection Committee Members serve one-year terms (Article 5.01cii). All regular faculty members are eligible to nominate themselves, and may do so at any time prior to the election (Article 5.01ci). Advance notice is not required, and nominees may nominate themselves on the day of an election. Only regular faculty members of the DDP or closest related DDP shall be eligible to vote for and be elected (Article 5.01cii).

For more information about the aforementioned information, please contact the DCFA or refer to the current DCFA collective agreement Article 5 – Selection Committees, Hiring and Evaluation — https://dcfa.ca/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/Faculty-Collective-Agreement-2019-2022-combined.pdf

3.  DCFA Statement on the “Rally for Informed Consent at Douglas College”

On February 14 th , 2022 the DCFA Executive Council unanimously approved the following statement. It also unanimously approved the distribution of a separate leaflet from the DCFA Anti-Racism Action Committee, which will be made available in print and in PDF on the DCFA website

On Thursday, February 3rd , the group Action4Canada held a “Rally for Informed Consent at Douglas College” in support of a student arrested for not wearing a mask while at Douglas College. Promoters and participants in this event spread misinformation which does not represent reality on the ground in our workplace.

First, Douglas College—with the exception of a few select programs—does not require vaccination for work or study within the institution. Therefore, the current mask mandate functions to mitigate the risk of transmission on campus—a protection that workers themselves have sought to maintain to protect themselves, students, and family. Therefore, the “freedom” to refuse a mask constitutes an anti-worker action.

Second, anti-vaccine and anti-mask groups have likened their cause to the history of the struggles of oppressed peoples. They have been rightly criticized for appropriating the yellow Star of David. More recently, they have likened their situation to Segregation. In no uncertain terms, we assert—to be emphasized especially during Black History month—that they have no right. Segregation in the United States was for ten decades the political suppression of, and the systemic degradation and humiliation of, Black Americans. Though often recognized as the terror of lynch-law justice in the South, de facto segregation existed in the North. Similar conditions prevailed in Canada: “public education, immigration, employment and housing were all subject to a veiled Jim Crow-style segregation that either formally or informally kept Black persons in social, economic and political subjugation” (Robyn Maynard, Policing Black Lives, Fernwood Press, 33). The comparison of public health orders to Segregation amounts to the minimization and denial of the depth and magnitude of Segregation and its ongoing ramifications.

Devin Shaw
Interim President
Approved by Executive Council February 14th, 2022

4.  Speaker Series: Labour Exploitation at Home and Abroad

The Human Rights and International Solidarity Committee (HRISC) cordially invite all faculty to attend this informative FPSE and FPSE HRISC ONLINE speakers’ series Labour Exploitation at Home and Abroad – February 22 @ 6pm & March 10 @ 4pm.

Migrant Workers Panel

Tuesday, February 22, 6 pm

Featuring a screening of the film Kalinga (Care)
Kent Donguines, Director of Kalinga
Maria Facundo-Lilly Managing Director, Reliable Nanny & Caregiver Agency
Natalie Drolet Staff Lawyer-Executive Director, Migrant Workers Centre
Fuertza Migrante
David Sadoway and L. Eduardo Azmitia, Moderators

The direct link to the Migrant Workers Panel is: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/fpse-human-rights-and-international-solidarity-committee-presents-kalinga-tickets-269109332257

Mining Panel

Thursday, March 10, 4 pm 

Merle Alexander, QC Indigenous Resource Law
Jeffrey Webber Author, Blood of Extraction: Canadian Imperialism in Latin America
Catherine Noline & Grahame Russell Authors Testimonio
David Sadoway and Lisa David, Moderators

The direct link to the Canadian Mining Panel is: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_lilDnHZ2TGKbWhZ-EBs4Lg

More information is available by visiting the FPSE webpage @  https://fpse.ca/news/meetings-events/speakers-tour-2022

5. Callout to all DCFA Members

If you have any questions relating to DCFA membership at Douglas College, or you have topic suggestions for future DCFA Update editions, please submit such information below. To protect the privacy of all submitters, anonymity will be maintained.  Feedback link.

UPDATES – February 9, 2022

Item 1 – Opportunity for DC Faculty:  Douglas College Board – Faculty Member Position (Election February 2022)
Item 2 – Douglas College Board Meetings – Meeting Minutes & Attendance Opportunities
Item 3 – Academic Freedom Infringement via Code of Conduct Policies 
Item 4 – DCFA Member Questions

1. Opportunity for DC Faculty: Douglas College Board – Faculty Member Position (Election February 2022)

Opportunities available to DC Faculty
The purpose of this ‘multi-part communication series’ is to spotlight and provide information about these opportunities for DCFA Members.


What is a Board of Governors?

Similar to many public and private organizations, the Douglas College Senior Leadership Team reports to a Board of Governors. The Douglas College Board “acts on behalf of the public and oversees the affairs of the institution (including property, revenue and expenditures), performing functions consistent with the College and Institute Act that the Board considers advisable for the proper administration and advancement of Douglas College” (Source: Douglas College Board Governance Framework).

“The Board focuses on policy and strategic leadership rather than administrative detail. It develops and maintains a clear distinction between Board and presidential roles. The Board meets seven times annually, between September and June, and holds a strategic/educational retreat each year. Each regular Board meeting date represents more than one distinct meeting: the evening begins with an Open Session meeting, followed by a Closed Session meeting attended by senior management. The evening concludes with an In Camera Session meeting, generally limited to Board members”.

(Source: Role of the Douglas College Board)

Faculty Member Position

A Board of Governors is a group of government/board-appointed and elected members of the community who are responsible for overseeing and managing an institution. The composition of the Douglas College Board is legislated under Part 3, Article 9 of the College and Institute Act, and includes:

  1. eight or more persons appointed by the Lieutenant Governor in Council
  2. one person on the faculty of the institution and elected by the faculty members
  3. two students elected by the students
  4. one person who is part of the support staff and elected by the support staff
  5. the President
  6. the Chair of the Education Council

(Source: Douglas College Board Governance Framework)

During the 3rd Week of February 2022, the Registrar’s Office will conduct an election for the role of Douglas College Board of Governors ‘Faculty Member’ position. This position commences on September 1st, 2022, and the term is two years in duration. Nomination forms and election procedures will be publicized on the DC Connect Intranet site – https://collegedouglas.sharepoint.com/sites/dcconnect/Pages/default.aspx

For more information about the aforementioned information, please contact the DCFA or refer to the Douglas College Board Governance Framework document (https://www.douglascollege.ca/sites/default/files/docs/Douglas%20College%20Board%20Governance%20Framework%20effective%20June%2027%2C%202019.pdf)

2. Douglas College Board Meetings

Meeting Minutes

Future DCFA Updates will provide highlights from the Douglas College Board of Governors Meetings. A DCFA observer is invited to the open portion of the bi-monthly meetings. The 27 January 2022 Board of Governors meeting was a hybrid meeting, held in the New Westminster campus board room and by Zoom. Once the official minutes of this meeting are approved at the next Board meeting, on March 24 at 5pm, the DCFA will post highlights from that meeting.

Members may review past meeting minutes via the following weblink:


Meeting Attendance Opportunities

All faculty are welcome to attend all open session meetings of the College Board. The 2022 meeting schedule is posted below. Guests are asked to register on a sign-in sheet provided in the boardroom or pre-register via email for a virtual meeting, so that their attendance can be recorded in the minutes.

Open Session meetings are held in the New Westminster Campus boardroom (S4920), or virtually via Zoom.

NOTE: When meetings are not able to take place in person, those interested in attending may contact the College Secretary (dsmith93@douglascollege.ca) for a link to attend the virtual meeting.


3. Academic Freedom infringement via Respectful Workplace Policies

The DCFA hosted Dr. Jacqueline Holler this past Friday 5 February, who presented on the topic of “Civility, Liberty, and Intemperate Times: Academic Freedom and Respectful Workplace Policies.” Dr Holler, Associate Professor in History/Women’s and Gender Studies, UNBC, and past President of CUFA-BC (2020-2-22), outlined CAUT’s position on academic freedom:

Academic freedom

She pointed out that Academic Freedom assurances can reside in either Collective Agreements and/or in university/college policies, as in the current provisions of Douglas College’s recently revised (November 2021) A35, Academic Freedom.

However, she identified that there is often conflict between the principles of academic freedom and what she described as the increasing “overreach” of respectful workplace policies that has been seen in both American and Canadian institutions, particularly in the last decade. You can find Douglas College’s here – A19, now known as “Bullying and Harassment Policy.” CAUT’s position on such policies is the following:

If revocation is not immediately possible, these policies should:

  • acknowledge academic freedom and freedom of expression as central to the institution’s mission, and as explicit values informing the policy’s provisions;
  • recognize the primacy of the collective agreement and the protections it provides;
  • be limited to curtailing workplace harassment, discrimination and violence as defined by law; and,
  • not impose obligations of respect and civility that go beyond legislative requirements. (CAUT 2018)

She concluded that ”the ambiguity of terms such as ”civility” and related constructs, most prominently “collegiality” (especially when combined with the corporate values adopted or held by many university administrators), allows unprincipled administrators and likeminded faculty to use judgments about civility and collegiality to punish faculty for (or dissuade them from) engaging in legitimate academic freedom–particularly as it pertains to shared governance. (McDonald et al. 2018, 2):

  • Enshrine robust AF language in collective agreements
  • Demand robust, public defence of AF from administrations
  • Monitor, demand reform of, and grieve (where necessary) overly expansive respectful workplace policies
  • Ensure due process in handling complaints
  • Embrace adventurous civility (Clarke & Walker 2021, On Being ): “The adventure of civility for our time can’t be a mere matter of politeness or niceness. Adventurous civility honors the difficulty of what we face and the complexity of what it means to be human…Civility, in our world of change, is about creating new possibilities for living forward while being different and even continuing to hold profound disagreement.”

If you are interested, The Harry Crowe Foundation Conference 2022 is being held virtually this Wednesday and Thursday, 1230 to 4pm ET, on the topic of “Academic Freedom and the Law.”

4. Callout to all DCFA Members

If you have any questions relating to DCFA membership at Douglas College, or you have topic suggestions for future DCFA Update editions, please submit such information below. To protect the privacy of all submitters, anonymity will be maintained.  Feedback link.

UPDATES – January 25, 2022

Item 1 – Payroll Accuracy Audit
Item 2 – Faculty Matters – Call-Out
Item 3 – Presentation: Academic Freedom in the Context of Respectful Workplace
Item 4 – DCFA Member Questions

1. Payroll Accuracy Audit

The DCFA is currently performing a payroll accuracy audit. In order to complete the audit, the DCFA is seeking
volunteers to permit the review of a paystub. Any (regular and contract) faculty who are interested are requested to
contact the DCFA via the Member Question/Feedback tool at the bottom of this communication. All information shared will be kept strictly confidential. Any findings shared with members will be anonymized.

2. Item 3 – Faculty Matters – Call-Out

The Faculty Matters Editorial Team cordially invites you to contribute an article to an upcoming edition of the
publication. The mandate of Faculty Matters is to provide insightful, honest, intelligent, and well-informed commentary
on the academic and societal events and issues that impact Douglas College faculty. The past two years have provided
many commentary-worthy events, so we encourage you to provide your expert evaluation and editorial. If writing an
article is of interest to you, please contact the FM Editorial Team via the DCFA Update Feedback box (at the bottom of
this update). Past editions of Faculty Matters are electronically available via the following weblink –

3. DCFA Education Session Invitation: Civility, Liberty, and Intemperate Times: Academic Freedom and Respectful Workplace Policies

The DCFA cordially invites all members to attend the following DCFA Education Session:

TOPIC: Civility, Liberty, and Intemperate Times: Academic Freedom and Respectful Workplace Policies
PRESENTER: Jacqueline Holler
DATE: February 4 @ 3:30 pm – 5:00 pm
LOCATION: Zoom DCFA Training —
PRESENTER BIO: Jacqueline Holler is Associate Professor of History, Chair of Global and International Studies, and
Coordinator of Women’s and Gender Studies at the University of Northern British Columbia in Prince George, Canada.
She is currently Past President of the Confederation of University Faculty Associations of BC (CUFA BC) and Grievance
Officer of the UNBC Faculty Association. She has served in many faculty union roles including as Co-Chair of the CAUT
Equity Committee and member of the CAUT Executive Committee (2014–2017), President of the UNBC Faculty
Association (2009–2015), and has repeatedly served as a member of UNBC-FA negotiating teams. With Dr. Kevin Keen
of the University of Alberta, she recently co-authored a report on academic freedom and governance at the Peter Wall
Institute of Advanced Studies at the University of British Columbia. Bio weblink — https://www2.unbc.ca/internationalstudies-graduate-program/dr-jacqueline-holler
RECENT ARTICLE ON THIS TOPIC: https://www.caut.ca/node/10707

4. DCFA Member Questions

If you have any questions relating to DCFA membership at Douglas College, or you have topic suggestions for future
DCFA Update editions, please submit such information below. To protect the privacy of all submitters, anonymity will
be maintained. Feedback link.

UPDATES – January 13, 2022

Item 1 – COVID 19 Exposure resulting in Lengthy Sick Leave
Item 2 – Anti-Racism Action Committee (ARAC)
Item 3 – DCFA President’s Message
Item 4 – DCFA Member Questions

1. COVID 19 Exposure Resulting in Lengthy Sick Leave

If a Douglas College faculty member contracts COVID 19 and requires a sick leave to recover, benefits are available to ensure salary continuity. The exposure source will affect the required course of action.

A) WORKPLACE COVID 19 EXPOSURE resulting in Sick Leave

If a Douglas College faculty member believes that he/she has contracted COVID 19 in the workplace, it is important to document the exposure sufficiently. Should the workplace exposure result in a sick leave, employees will wish to file a WorkSafe claim. Doing so will ensure compensation continuity (100% salary coverage) when the sick day allotment (30 days for regular faculty / 2 days per semester for contract faculty) is exhausted. Faculty are reminded that sick leaves in excess of 5 days must be substantiated with a doctor’s note.

Required Steps for Douglas College faculty members

Upon suspecting a workplace exposure, faculty members are advised to:

    1. Attain an official COVID 19 diagnosis via an LFT or PCR test.**
    2. Create a log of all activities performed prior to contracting the disease.
    3. Contact a doctor and log the exposure with WorkSafe.
    4. Send an email to Responsible Administrator and Joint Occupational Health Committee (Safety@DouglasCollege.ca) to record the incident. The email should include the diagnosis and activity log.

**In the event that LFT or PCR testing is unavailable, a self-test (also called a “home test”, an “at-home test”, or an “over-the-counter (OTC) test) should be utilized in the interim.

More information about filing claims can be found on the WorkSafe website – https://www.worksafebc.com/en/covid-19/claims/information-for-workers.

B) NON-WORKPLACE COVID 19 EXPOSURE resulting in Sick Leave

If a Douglas College faculty member believes that he/she has contracted COVID 19 outside of the workplace, and the exposure should result in a sick leave, faculty will utilize sick leave benefits (30 days for regular faculty / 2 days per semester for contract faculty). A faculty member who is absent more than thirty (30) working days from the workplace, due to illness or injury, will be eligible to receive short-term income protection (STIP) plan via the Manulife Indemnity Plan. The STIP plan provides compensation continuity (70% salary coverage) beginning on the 31st day. Faculty may refer to Article 16.05 Sick Leave (d) for more information. Faculty are reminded that sick leaves in excess of 5 days must be substantiated with a doctor’s note. Additionally, impacted faculty are reminded to contact the Joint Rehabilitation Committee (JRC) to attain forms and documents, including the JRC sick leave fact sheet. Committee information may be found via the following website – https://dcfa.ca/committees/joint-rehabilitation-committee/.

Required Steps for Douglas College faculty members

Upon suspecting an exposure, faculty members are advised to:

    1. Attain an official COVID 19 diagnosis via an LFT or PCR test**
    2. Create a log of all activities performed prior to contracting the disease.
    3. Send an email to Responsible Administrator. The email should include the diagnosis.

**In the event that LFT or PCR testing is unavailable, a self-test (also called a “home test”, an “at-home test”, or an “over-the-counter (OTC) test) should be utilized in the interim

2. Anti-Racism Action Committee (ARAC)

At the April 2021 Annual General Meeting of the DCFA, the membership voted to endorse the Anti-Racism Action Committee position statement supporting the Black Lives Matter movement.

In that statement, we acknowledged our responsibility as members of the Douglas College community, to voice our own support for the BLM movement, and “to stand against police brutality and discrimination towards the Black and Indigenous communities. To stand against the current hate crimes that are happening towards the East Asian Community, as well as all forms of discrimination and bigotry towards the South Asian, Muslim, and Latinx communities, and any forms of racism that may exist in any way, shape, or form.”

Our position remains unchanged. We continue to work to make changes within our Douglas community. You may have participated in our event at the New Westminster campus in the fall, visiting our information tables and/or attending El Jones’ presentation. And please watch for another event coming in the spring semester.

To see the full text of the position statement supporting the Black Lives Matter movement, please select the link here.

3. DCFA President’s Message

Dear Members,

I am serving at Interim President during the Winter 2022 semester while Jasmine Nicholsfigueiredo is on leave. I can be reached at dcfa.devin.shaw@gmail.com or at (778) 789-1319. This contact information will remain current during Winter 2022 and throughout my term as VP Negotiations (the position I officially return to in May 2022, though I will be preparing for bargaining throughout). Please contact me if you have questions or concerns for me in either role.

In solidarity,

Devin Zane Shaw,
Interim President, DCFA,
(Vice President Negotiations, DCFA),
(778) 789-1319

4. Callout to all DCFA Members

If you have any questions relating to DCFA membership at Douglas College, or you have topic suggestions for future DCFA Update editions, please submit such information below. To protect the privacy of all submitters, anonymity will be maintained.  Feedback link.

UPDATES – December 15, 2021

Item 1 – Faculty Matters Magazine – Fall 2021 Edition (Exciting Contract Bargaining News)
Item 2 – Happy Holidays
Item 3 – DCFA Member Questions

1. Faculty Matters – Fall 2021 Edition (Exciting Contract Bargaining News)

The ‘Faculty Matters Magazine’ – Fall 2021 Edition is fresh off the press! Do not miss this copy!! This edition includes a discussion about the upcoming round of contract bargaining and a faculty member’s first hand account of the Fairy Creek land defense. DCFA Members can expect to access the magazine via the following link: (https://dcfa.ca/faculty-matters/).

2. Happy Holidays

The DCFA Table Officers, Executive Council, Committee Members, and Stewards wish all members and their loved ones a very peaceful and restful holiday break. We are honored to continue representing your interests and look forward to serving you in the coming year. Happy Holidays!

3. Callout to all DCFA Members

If you have any questions relating to DCFA membership at Douglas College, or you have topic suggestions for future DCFA Update editions, please submit such information below. To protect the privacy of all submitters, anonymity will be maintained.  Feedback link.

UPDATES – December 9, 2021

Item 1 – Flying Picket:  Solidarity with University of Manitoba Faculty Association (UMFA)
Item 2 – Joint Occupational Health and Safety Committees: Harassment & Bullying Review
Item 3 – Faculty Matters Magazine – Fall Edition (Contract Bargaining News)
Item 4 – Status of Women Committee Update
Item 5 – DCFA Member Questions

1. Flying Picket:  Solidarity with University of Manitoba Faculty Association (UMFA)

On November 27, FPSE President Brent Calvert, FPSE Secretary-Treasurer Sean Parkinson, Local 04 DCFA Acting President Devin Shaw, Local 08 President and FPSE VP2 Chris Jaeger, and President of BCIT Faculty & Staff Association Colin Jones, displayed their solidarity to the UMFA. UMFA members ratified a new agreement on December 6th.


2. Joint Occupational Health and Safety Committees: Harassment & Bullying Review

Effective 2022, Douglas College Joint Occupational Health and Safety Committees will commence reviewing aggregated harassment and bullying incident information. The purpose of this new routine is to aid in the reduction of workplace harassment via making recommendations to prevent future related incidents and disseminating relevant health and safety information to the college community.

3. Faculty Matters Magazine – Fall Edition (Contract Bargaining News)

The ‘Faculty Matters Magazine’ – Fall 2021 Edition will be issued next week. Do not miss this copy!! The Fall 2021 Edition will include a discussion about the upcoming round of contract bargaining and a faculty member’s first hand account of the Fairy Creek land defense. DCFA Members can expect to access the magazine via email, or via visiting the DCFA website (https://dcfa.ca/faculty-matters/).

4. Status of Women Committee Update

On Monday, in the New West Atrium, the DCFA Status of Women Committee and the DSU Women’s Collective commemorated the fourteen women murdered at L’Ecole Polytechnique in 1989.  Since then, Canada has designated December 6th as the National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against women.  We displayed photos of the women, and invited students, faculty, and staff to take white ribbons to wear in remembrance and to light a candle in mourning.  We distributed pamphlets of information about safety resources and asked for written suggestions on how the college and the government could help make the community safer, and reflections on the effect of violence in our lives.  While the faculty members who came by remembered the shooting at L’Ecole Polytechnique, most of the students were unaware of this history and then were appalled when they learned of it.  The DCFA was very pleased to work with the DSU on this important event to raise awareness about the effects of Gender-Based Violence.

5. DCFA Member Questions

Callout to all DCFA Members

If you have any questions relating to DCFA membership at Douglas College, or you have topic suggestions for future DCFA Update editions, please submit such information below. To protect the privacy of all submitters, anonymity will be maintained.  Feedback link.

UPDATES – November 25, 2021

Item 1 – Flood Disaster Relief
Item 2 – Occupational Health and Safety Resources
Item 3 – Invitation to participate in a study on teaching with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs)
Item 4 – DCFA Member Questions

1. Flood Disaster Relief

The DCFA wishes to send its love and support to any faculty, students, administrators, staff and their respective families or friends who were impacted by last week’s floods. The tragic loss of human and animal life, the displacement of so many people from their homes, students from their schools, and businesses who have lost practically everything is extremely concerning and worrisome. The DCFA is actively working with FPSE to lend aid and support.

If you and your community would like to help people impacted by the flood, you can share the following link with your colleagues: https://abbotsfordcf.org/grants/disaster/

Additional efforts are coordinated by the City of Abbotsford and more info can be founded at https://www.abbotsford.ca/alerts/evacuation-order-and-alerts-issued-localized-areas  – the City is working directly with Archway to be sure that food and donations will really reach people in need.

Additionally, donations can be made to the Red Cross at https://donate.redcross.ca/page/94172/donate/1?locale=en-CA

2. Occupational Health and Safety Resources

The resources referred to at the November 22nd DCFA Special Topics Training Session may be downloaded via the following links:

3. Invitation to participate in a study on teaching with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs)

UFV faculty are conducting research on teaching with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and are seeking participation from faculty members from BC teaching institutions. UFV has specifically requested the participation of Douglas College faculty.  More information is available via the following link:

4. DCFA Member Questions

Callout to all DCFA Members

If you have any questions relating to DCFA membership at Douglas College, or you have topic suggestions for future DCFA Update editions, please submit such information below. To protect the privacy of all submitters, anonymity will be maintained.  Feedback link.

UPDATES – November 16, 2021

Item 1 – DCFA Vaccination Statement
Item 2 – Holiday Hamper Family
Item 3 – DCFA Climate Emergency Speaker Series #2
Item 4 – DCFA Member Questions

1. DCFA Vaccination Statement

DCFA Action

In accordance with the directive of the general membership on September 27, 2021, and the direction of Executive Council on November 8, 2021, the DCFA is issuing the following statement:

The DCFA is disappointed by the failure of Douglas College to follow through on their commitment to require all students, faculty, and employees who work and learn on Douglas College campuses to confidentially declare their vaccination status or participate in regular, periodic rapid testing. We call on Douglas College to follow through on this commitment.

The DCFA Executive Council encourages all faculty members to get vaccinated with an approved COVID-19 vaccine. This is about keeping everyone safe—you, your family, your coworkers, and your students. We all need to do everything we can to protect each other.

The DCFA will continue to protect the rights of those faculty who are not able to get the vaccine or who choose not to, in accordance with the Collective Agreement.

2. Donation Request – Holiday Hamper Family

DCFA Action

The DCFA Table Officers have personally sponsored a holiday hamper for a Douglas College student family in need. Any DCFA member who wishes to join us in supporting this family, may do so by contacting dcfa@douglascollege.ca.

3. DCFA Climate Emergency Speaker Series #2

A Message from the Climate Emergency Action Committee (CEAC)

Please join us next Wednesday 24th November at 7pm via Zoom webinar for a night of poetry centred around the theme of conservation, sustainability and awareness of the emerging climate crisis. We are pleased to welcome two distinguished local poets, Kim Trainor and Renee Saklikar. Register at tiny.cc/ccpoetry

Kim Trainor is the granddaughter of an Irish banjo player and a Polish faller who worked in logging camps around Port Alberni in the 1930s. Her book, Ledi was a finalist for the 2019 Raymond Souster Award. She teaches at Douglas College and lives in Vancouver, ancestral, unceded homelands of the xʷməθkʷəy̓əm, Skwxwú7mesh, and səlil̓ilw̓ətaʔɬ Nations.

Renée Sarojini Saklikar is a poet and lawyer who lives in Vancouver on the unceded traditional territories of the Coast Salish peoples. She is the author of four books, including the ground-breaking poetry book, children of air india, about the bombing of Air India Flight 182 which won the Canadian Authors Association Poetry Prize and is the co-author, with Dr. Mark Winston, of the poetry and essay collection, Listening to the Bees, winner of the 2019 Gold Medal Independent Publishers Book Award, Environment/Ecology. She is currently working on Book 2 of the THOT J BAP series, an epic fantasy in verse about climate change, climate justice and global inequality. The first book of the series is Bramah and The Beggar Boy about a time travelling female locksmith helping seed savers, resisters, and orphans against the rule of the evil Consortium. Find out more at https://thotjbap.com/

Nov 24, 2021 07:00 PM in Pacific Time (US and Canada)

Register: tiny.cc/ccpoetry

4. DCFA Member Questions

Callout to all DCFA Members

If you have any questions relating to DCFA membership at Douglas College, or you have topic suggestions for future DCFA Update editions, please submit such information below. To protect the privacy of all submitters, anonymity will be maintained.  Feedback link.

UPDATES – October 18, 2021

Item 1 – Covid-19 Safety Measures Plan – Fall 2021 and Beyond
Item 2 – CRPDL (Course Readiness Process for Distributed Learning)
Item 3 – Chair and Coordinator Roles
Item 4 – DCFA Member Questions

1. Covid-19 Safety Measures Plan – Fall 2021 and Beyond

DCFA Action
Throughout summer 2021 and the early part of fall 2021, the DCFA has engaged the employer and faculty regarding
Covid-19 Safety Measures:

  • On August 12th, the DCFA formally expressed its concerns regarding the ‘Communicable Disease Prevention
    and Response Plan’ to the employer.
  • During the period of August 16th-23rd, the DCFA surveyed DCFA Members regarding the Covid-19 Safety
    Measures plan, and shared survey results with members and the employer.
  • On a weekly basis throughout September, the DCFA President has communicated DCFA member concerns to the employer.
  • On August 30th, President Denton’s email “Important Update” email stated that “…. that students, faculty and employees who will be working and learning on Douglas College campuses this Fall will have the option to:
    • Confidentially declare their status as being vaccinated against COVID-19, or, as an alternative,
    • Participate in regular, periodic rapid testing.”
  • As directed by the DCFA General Membership at the September 27 meeting, the DCFA President sent a letter to the employer, asking them to follow through on the promised plan (issued on August 30th) to create a
    safe workplace for employees. This message was also sent to the Minister of Advanced Education and Skills
    Training, Anne Kang. Also, as directed by the DCFA General Membership at the September 27 meeting, the
    DCFA President met with the employer to request that faculty be given the autonomy to decide whether to
    teach online, hybrid or Face-two-Face (F2F).
  • On October 5th, President Denton’s email “College Vaccination Survey Update” provided a directive change
    and stated that “…. widespread rapid testing on post-secondary campuses is not supported by the Provincial
    Health Officer because there is little evidence to show that it reduces risk outside of specific settings, such as
    student housing. That is why most post-secondary institutions have chosen not to pursue rapid testing on a
    broad scale. And that is why we have elected not to pursue it at this time.”
  • Since the October 5th directive change, the DCFA has received steady communication of concerns from
    members. The DCFA has compiled and anonymized all concerns and continues to engage the employer in
    discussions about these concerns.

Next Step for DCFA Members
Faculty are encouraged to monitor their college email accounts for further updates, and to contact their DCFA
Representatives to resolve any questions/concerns.

2. CRPDL (Course Readiness Process for Distributed Learning)

DCFA Action
The DCFA has made numerous attempts to engage the employer in legally mandated collaboration for the purpose of
altering CRPDL so that the program does not violate the collective bargaining agreement. From the onset, the DCFA’s
position has remained consistent in that the DCFA supports professional development and encourages those who wish
to improve their online delivery skills to participate. However, the DCFA asserts that the CRPDL process violates existing
provisions of the collective agreement. Actions pursued to date include the following:

  • On May 19th, the DCFA sent suggested alterations to the current CRPDL process via email.
  • On June 24th, at the LMRC (Labor Management Relations Committee) meeting, the DCFA proposed solutions to
    the CRPDL process that currently violate the collective bargaining agreement.
  • On September 23rd, at the LMRC meeting, the DCFA proposed CPRDL process concerns.
  • As of the date of this communication, the DCFA has not received any written responses from the employer,
    and the employer is yet to engage in meaningful consultation regarding CRPDL. Having been unable to reach
    an agreement with the employer, the DCFA has filed a grievance.

Point of Clarification
DCFA members stand to lose previously negotiated rights if CRPDL is implemented in its current state. First, the
precedent set by CRPDL could undermine existing departmental QTT rights and could impose the involvement of
Administration in controlling QTT decisions. Second, the faculty scheduling process could be negatively impacted via
the imposition of criteria that is currently not recognized in the collective bargaining agreement.

Next Step for DCFA Members
Faculty who wish to teach online/hybrid courses are free to voluntarily undertake relevant education (such as CRPDL)
to upgrade their online/hybrid delivery skills. However, faculty are reminded to contact the DCFA to report any
violations relating to online course scheduling. Specifically, faculty are reminded to contact the DCFA in the event that a faculty member is not scheduled online work that he/she is entitled to because he/she has not completed the full
CRPDL process.

3. Chair and Coordinator Roles

Point of Interest
The DCFA are frequently engaged to answer questions pertaining to Chair and/or Coordinator duties, appointments,
and terms. The purpose of this communication is to provide clarity regarding several commonly asked questions:

Question – Are Douglas College Chairs and/or Coordinators supervisors and/or managers?
Answer – No – Chairs and/or Coordinators positions at Douglas College are not supervisors or managers.
These roles are performed by DCFA faculty members who are delegated task responsibilities but are not
delegated any authority.

Question – Do Chair positions have defined term limits?
Answer – Yes – Chairs serve 1-year term limits, and existing Chairs may seek re-election each year. Per the
collective agreement Article 11.01 – Election of Chairs, the “Chair shall be elected for a one-year period, during
the Winter semester, for the next Academic year” and “elections for Chair will occur at a meeting of faculty,
which is duly constituted by the Responsible Administrator” and “the Responsible Administrator will provide a
written announcement of a meeting during which a Chair election will take place, at least two (2) weeks prior
to the date of the meeting.”

Question – Do Coordinator positions have defined term limits?
Answer – Yes/No – The term limits placed upon Coordinator positions vary across the college. Over the years,
Coordinator positions have been posted and accepted that do not specify any term limits. Also, Coordinator
positions have been posted and accepted that do have specific term limits (e.g. 1 year term) and performance
review requirements. In the case of the latter, performance reviews should be conducted by the Selection
Committees that appointed the respective Coordinator.

4. DCFA Member Questions

Callout to all DCFA Members
If you have any questions relating to DCFA membership at Douglas College, or you have topic suggestions for future
DCFA Update editions, please submit such information below. To protect the privacy of all submitters, anonymity will
be maintained. Feedback link.

DCFA Update Mandate

The DCFA Update is a publication that has been created for the purpose of engaging and informing DCFA members who seek updates, information and direction on topics related to DCFA membership at Douglas College. Intended to co-exist with Faculty Matters Magazine, the DCFA Update will provide short Douglas College specific updates, while Faculty Matters will continue to function as a venue for faculty to publish information on broader topics such as the BC Post-Secondary Education Sector, Pedagogy Innovation, and other relevant areas of interest.